Spain Bans New Factory Farms

In May 2022, CEF provided seed funding to help launch Futuro Vegetal, a Spanish collective demanding that the government halt subsidies for the meat industry, instead arguing that those funds should be spent on creating a sustainable, plant-based food system. Their actions, especially when activists glued themselves to two famous Spanish paintings, and when activists blocked a major highway in Spain, dominated Spanish media and led to huge membership growth. As a result of these actions, meat consumption in Spain went from being a “taboo” issue to a top political question facing the government. 

In December 2022, Futuro Vegetal got their first taste of victory when the Spanish government banned the creation of new large-scale cow farms. Although this move falls short of Futuro Vegetals overarching demand, it is still a clear sign of progress. And it speaks to the power that Futuro Vegetal has built in the streets - without their organizing, it is unlikely the Spanish government would have taken any steps to curtail meat consumption in Spain.

CEF continues to provide support for Futuro Vegetal’s inspiring organizing efforts. Given the progress they have already achieved, we are hopeful the group can secure even more wins this year.


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